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Nostalgia Sunday: Food (Part Three)

Guess who's back, back again, Beth is back, tell a friend. And I'm back again with another nostalgia Sunday post and it's a follow up on last week's post and part three of my posts about food that I loved to eat as a child in the noughties. If you haven't already read parts one and two, then please do so, as there may be some of your favourite noughties foods featured on those posts that you may not remember. So here is some more of my favourite noughties foods...

Tic Tac

Like Polo's, before I was allowed chewing gum it had to be Tic Tac's. I could quite easily get through a pack of these in less than thirty minutes I won't lie. But the best bit was when they released the different flavoured Tic Tac's, with my favourites being between the orange and lime, and the strawberry ones. These are probably the nicest mints I have ever tasted, and I think I will stand by that statement until the end of time.


I absolutely LOVED Starbursts. You could guarantee that whichever flavour you had, it would be sweet but really juicy and like nothing else you had ever tasted before. I have to say my favourite flavour was probably the lime, which is quite different as I feel everyone else's was probably the strawberry ones. I would always want a packet of these and whenever anyone was offering me one of these out of their pack, obviously I would take one.


THESE! I was watching Anastasia Kingsnorth's vlog in the summer when she only ate Lunchables for 24 hours and I was incredibly jealous that in America their Lunchables include something sweet as well as savoury. These were always a treat for me; whereas I feel other people used to always have them in their lunch box at school. I would only have these whenever we went to the beach, as it was just a quick and easy thing to get from the shop, either on our way to the beach or when we were going to get a few snacks to eat while we were down there. I won't lie, I really miss these and might even buy a pack the next time I see them in a shop (although I haven't seen them in a while so maybe I'll never get to eat them again).

Wagon Wheels

These are another food that I never actually had until towards the end of the noughties. I do blame my parents for this as I wasn't the one in control of what went in the shopping trolly; nor did I regularly go shopping with them so I couldn't sneak a pack into the trolly so I could have some. There was not one thing about these that I could fault and if you never had these as a child then I genuinely feel sorry for you.

Rocket Lolly

These bring back particular memories for me as when I used to have sports day in primary school we would always be given one of these at the very end. My only problem with these was (and still is) that whenever I used to get to the end of the lolly, more often than not half or all of it would end up falling off the stick and, more often than not, that part of the lolly would end up in my lap and my clothes, which were often white or light coloured, would end up in a sticky mess - something that is not ideal on a hot summer's day when there are loads of wasps and bees around.


These have to be one of my all time favourite ice lollies. That would have to be because not only are they ice lollies, but they also have ice cream and it is just the perfect combination. However, I have always preferred the twister with the lime on the outside and the strawberry on the inside than the strawberry on the outside and the lime on the inside. Don't ask me why I just think that they taste better one way than another (please let me know if you agree).

Capri Sun

Again, these were somewhat of a luxury for me and I would only ever have them on a very rare occasion. I'm not entirely sure I ever had the blackcurrant flavour, but I definitely had the orange flavour, as I'm sure has everyone else. The one annoying thing about these was I could never get the straw in the hole and would always want to cut the top off the packet and pour it into a cup - it would have made things so much easier!

Spaghetti Hoops

I'm not really that much of a fan of these now but I loved these when I was a kid. Along with the alphabet ones, I always loved eating these. These were often more something I would eat whenever I went round to a friend's house for tea and I don't think I ever had them at home, but if I did it was on incredibly rare occasions.

Strawberry Laces

I can taste these in my mouth right now. Did anyone else ever want to try and use these as shoelaces? Or am I the only weirdo out here? I always loved to get these and the strawberry pencils (I did tend to prefer the pencils over the laces I won't lie). But these are another of my go-to sweets.

Tunnocks Caramel Wafers

I haven't had one of these in a LONG time and wouldn't mind if someone handed one to me right now. You could pretty much guarantee when I was in years five and six that one of these would be in my school lunch box. Not only did these taste amazing, but the wrappers were also incredibly easy to open, unlike some other chocolate bars.

Tunnocks Tea Cakes

Tunnocks seem to really be winning with the sweet treats. You cannot have lived through the noughties and not have enjoyed a Tunnocks teacake at some point over those ten years. I'm pretty sure I mostly ate these when I was at my Gran's, however, at some point, my Mum or Dad started buying them for home and I was always excited to see some of these in the cupboard. And no, it's not sad that my entire life seems to have revolved around food and that I got excited about seeing some tea cakes in a cupboard. If you can't get excited about chocolate, then what can you get excited about?

Nik Naks

I still love these to this day and will continue to eat them for as long as I live. The flavour on all of these is so incredible that you can't help but love them. My mouth is watering just thinking about them. If you haven't tried any of these yet, then I highly recommend that you do.

I really hate to leave it like this, but there is just so much noughties food that there will be a part four (hopefully next week). I have tried to cut them all down, but I just can't choose which ones to keep in as everything I have included and will continue to include was a massive part of my childhood. But please keep your eyes peeled for that and let me know if there are any noughties foods that you would like me to include. And if there are any other topics you would like me to cover then please let me know that also.

Love Beth xx

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