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Petitions - animal rights - a petition to ask the UK Government to reconsider their plan to abandon plans to ban the importation of fur and foie gras - women killers - a petition to hold men to account for killing women in the name of 'honour' - party gate - a petition for Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to resign after they lied and broke lockdown rules - islamophobia - a petition to stop islamophobia at the London Academy of Excellence (LAE) Stratford - offshoring - a petition to stop the UK Government to send refugees to Rwanda - channel 4 - a petition to stop the UK Government from privatising Channel 4 - Ukrainian pets - a petition for Ukrainian families with pets to have less pet paperwork and lower costs - ambulance waiting times - a petition for something to be done about the ridiculous waiting times for an ambulance in the UK - hunting with dogs - a petition to ban hunting with dogs in Northern Ireland - deaf awareness - a petition for there to be compulsory deaf awareness training for all UK teachers - energy prices - a petition for there to be a windfall tax on energy companies so the UK public aren't having to fully cover the costs of the rise in energy prices - food menus - a petition for there to be the option of a menu without calories on to help those with an Eating Disorder and who are in recovery - child Q - a petition for their to be justice for child Q, a black girl who was wrongly accused of carrying cannabis at her school and then strip searched by the Met Police, despite being on her period and having no appropriate adult there - unfair deportation - a petition to prevent Anthonell Peccoo from being deported to Jamaica, a country in which he had no family or friends, due to a crime committed that wasn't his fault and one he has already served the maximum sentence for - rescue dogs - a petition for it to be made easily accessible for British people to adopt Ukranian rescue dogs - plastic in blood - a petition for there to be more research done on the plastic that has recently been found in human blood - dog thefts - a petition for the BBC to commission a TV show based on the rise of dog thefts - oil and gas - a petition to the UK Government to stop them building new oil and gas fields - school curriculum - a petition to make teaching BAME histories and experiences mandatory across the school curriculum - social services - a petition for social services to stop doing planned visits, so abusers can't hide evidence - unethical research - a petition for there to be an end to unethical infant formula research on babies - support for Ukraine - a petition for the UK Government to provide more support for Ukraine - Ukraine VISA - a petition to grant emergency VISAs for Ukrainians with family members in the UK - safe passages - a petition for there to be a safe passage for Africans and all people of colour to escape from Ukraine - end the fight for benefits - a petition to stop those who are terminally ill and/or disabled from having to fight to receive benefits - money for NHS - a petition for Rishi Sunak to give the NHS enough money so they're sorted for winter, to guarantee the NHS for the future and to pay staff what they're owed - Instagram - a petition for Instagram to disable accounts as soon as they are reported for pretending to be someone else and then looked into, rather than going off the volume of reports - COVID isolation - a petition for the UK Government to provide support for those who are immunocompromised, as they are currently having to choose between their lives and getting paid - NHS equal treatment - a petition for the NHS to provide equal treatment, as a minimum, to all patients, no matter their background or personal circumstances - save Indy - a petition to save Indy, a Romanian rescue dog who has been wrongfully seized by Bedfordshire police after being accused of biting a child, which she didn't do - Starlings - a petition for Brighton Council to stop the use of various chemicals in areas where starlings gather, as they are harmful to them - fuel prices - a petition for there to be an independent fuel price watchdog to prevent fuel prices going higher than they already are - energy prices - a petition for everyone to have a free amount of energy so no one goes cold/without electric - save the wallabies - a petition for the wallabies on Loch Lomond to be saved and have protection against the new owners from removing them so they can build holiday lets here - Covid-19 restrictions - a petition for clinically vulnerable people to be given masks that have been medically fitted and for antibody testing to be made available on the NHS for those taking immunosuppressant drugs, so they are better protected against the virus and from others and so they can safely go out and socialise - electric vehicles - a petition to make electric vehicles more affordable before the ban on them comes into place in the UK - national insurance - a petition to stop the UK Government from raising the amount working people pay on National Insurance, as it's causing them to have less take-home pay and leaving employers unable to employ people - four lives - a petition for the homophobic officers involved with the four lives case to lose their jobs - offensive street name - a petition for Kirklees council to change an offensive street name in Huddersfield, which is a name that has been used to describe black people and those who don't follow Islam in an offensive way - sexual abuse - a petition for the University of Edinburgh to have a better approach to students reporting sexual abuse - Sue Gray - a petition for the findings of Sue Gray's report to be made public - breast cancer - a petition for the NHS to change their guidelines so people under thirty are entitled to an emergency two week wait to get a breast cancer diagnosis - breeder investigation - a petition for a breeder to be investigated after the owner of a puppy they got from this breeder was found to have a broken spine and legs and is now paralysed from the waist down - unfair pay - a petition for security guards at Great Ormond Street Hospital to receive better pay, better benefits and better working conditions stop unfair deportation - stop the Home Office from deporting Lewin Williams, a 74 year old cancer patient who has been living in the UK since 2003 - Instagram ads - a petition for Instagram to give users the option to block weightloss ads from appearing on their timeline - grandparents rights - a petition for grandparents to be given rights to see their grandchildren if their children stop contact with them - unfair deportation - a petition to stop Vimal Pandya from being unfairly deported due to a number of Home Office administrative errors - child abuse - a petition for grandparents to be given the rights to remove a child from an abusive situation - wrapping paper - a petition for shops to sell recyclable wrapping paper - minimum wage - a petition for the UK minimum wage to increase to reflect the price of living - Texas animals - a petition for animals in Texas to be protected from abuse and neglect - Arthur's law - a petition for there to be a law dedicated to Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, so no other child is treated this way - supertrawler nets - a petition to hold supertrawlers to account on the death of dolphins as these and many other marine animals end up as bycatch - assistance dogs - a petition to put signage up in public to ask people not touch assistance dogs when told by their handlers - ocean pollution - a petition for the International Maritime Organization to stop plastic pellet pollution at sea - Windrush scandal - a petition for the compensation of the Windrush migrants to be handled by an independent body - sickle cell deaths - a petition for those working within the NHS to be better trained regarding their knowledge of sickle cell disease to prevent death from neglect of knowledge - non-recyclable plastics - a petition to ask supermarkets to only use recyclable plastics - peak-hour bus passes - a petition for disabled people who are eligible for bus passes to have access to peak-hour bus passes - vaccine inequality - a petition for there to be better COVID-19 vaccine equality across the world, as rich countries have been stockpiling vaccines and leaving poorer countries without - Downing Street party - a petition for the IOPC to investigate the Met Police for refusing to investigate the alleged Downing Street Christmas party(ies) that were held in December 2020 - smear test timescale - a petition for cervical screening timescales to be reduced from five years as this is far too long and could be the difference between life and death - blue badges - a petition for cancer patients receiving anti-cancer therapy to be able to have blue badges, as these therapies can irritate the soles of their feet and hinder mobility - women's online safety - a petition to create a new online safety law to protect women and girls from online abuse and harassment - social care cuts - a petition to prevent more cuts to children's social care services in Hampshire - gambling adverts - a petition to stop gambling sites from being able to advertise at sports games, online and anywhere else, as they are damaging to people's mental health - fuel prices - a petition for fuel retailers to have an independent pricing watchdog to stop them from overcharging for fuel - photo transparency - a petition for people to be transparent on their social media images if they are edited in any way - unfair decisions - a petition for cats to be given an equal chance when it comes to them having a potentially fatal illness (such as heart murmurs) but who still have a few years left - Travelodge accessibility - a petition for all Travelodge hotels to have accessible rooms for disabled people and their partners with double beds instead of single beds - recycling - a petition for all plastics to be made recyclable - revoking British citizenship - a petition to prevent the UK Government from revoking the British citizenship of ethnic minorities with no warning - cats road status - a petition for the UK Government to grant cats the same road rights as dogs under the Road Traffic Act 1988 - ban conversion therapy - a petition for the UK Government to ban LGBT+ conversion therapy in the UK - create recyclable medicine packets - a petition for pharmaceutical companies to create a recycling scheme for medicine packets, as these cannot currently be recycled in mainstream recycling - justice for Pumpkin puppy - a petition for a breeder to be investigated after a puppy was found to have a broken spine and legs, which was not caused from birth and was potentially done by the breeder - Niamh's law - a petition for all public-serving staff to have basic disability awareness training - media diversity - a petition for TV and radio stations to have stammer representation all year round and not just for one day - stop Tom moving - a petition to stop Devon County Council from moving Tom, an 18-year-old with severe learning disabilities, many miles from his family where he will know no one and won't have a family to look after him - Turkey on fire - a petition to send help to Turkey, which is currently experiencing over 120 wildfires - cervical screening - a petition for everyone with a cervix, regardless of gender, to be invited for their smear test - smear tests - a petition for there to be an option on the smear test booking system to say whether the test could be triggering for you, as this should help sexual abuse survivors - blue badge charge - a petition to stop there being a charge when applying for your blue badge - accessible learning - a petition to make Kings College London more accessible for disabled students - plan B - a petition to get the UK Government to implement plan B to protect the NHS against Covid ahead of the winter months - domestic abuse/violence - a petition to make domestic violence/abuse a punishable offence - online sexual harassment - a petition for Twitter and Facebook to have a specific reporting function for sexual harassment - female Afghan judges - a petition to evacuate and resettle female Afghan judges - smear tests - a petition for smear tests in Scotland to be carried out every three years instead of every five years, the same as in England - McDonalds burgers - a petition for UK McDonalds to have gluten-free burgers on offer, as they are currently available in all other European countries, other than the UK - maternity services - a petition for the Government to invest in the UK's maternity services to address the issue of a 3500 shortage of midwives - period pain absence - a petition for period pains (dysmenorrhea) to be a legitimate reason for children to have time off school - homelessness - a petition for Carlisle City Council to make homelessness services accessible 'out-of-hours' (not 9am-5pm Monday-Friday), because this is when homelessness is most likely to occur and it is leaving people with no access to anything until people are in the office - 60+ oyster cards - a petition for all 60+ year olds in the M25 bandwidth to be entitled to a free oyster card, due to the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) being expanded from central London up to the North and South Circular Roads - hen cages - a petition to stop keeping hens in cages that are far too small for them - gambling ads - a petition to stop gambling companies from putting up billboards promoting their company in high-profile places, such as at football matches - the night tube - a petition to reintroduce the night tube in London to support women's safety over the winter months - children's social care cuts - a petition to put a stop to any more children's social care cuts in Hampshire - GP appointments - a petition to fully restart GP face-to-face appointments -disabled bus passes - a petition for disabled people to have peak-hour bus passes - emotional support dogs - a petition for emotional support dogs to be legally recognised in the UK in the same way that guide dogs are - classroom contact tracing - a petition for contact tracing in schools to be put back into the hands of the school and not just the Public Health Agency, so parents are aware of if a Covid case is in their child's classroom, as their classmates are not currently classed as close contacts and could therefore spread Covid to vulnerable members of their family/friends - Gloria's law - a petition for all residents in care homes to be able to nominate someone as their essential caregiver, who will be able to visit them no matter what the circumstances are - voter ID - a petition to stop the UK Government from enforcing a law where people have to show photo ID to vote in elections, when there are millions of people in the UK without photo ID, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds - save Ramsay Bay Marine Nature Reserve - a petition to stop the dredging of Ramsay Bay Marine Nature Reserve, which would cause irreversible damage - forcible removal - a petition to make the UK Home Office reconsider their decision to forcibly send Sherko Ismail to Iraw, a country he fled in 2003 and has been allowed to remain in the UK via 'leave to remain' up until now - universal credit - a petition to stop the UK Government from reducing universal credit - four-day work week - a petition for the UK Government to introduce a four-day work week, without loss of pay, to help reduce carbon footprint - Nowzad animal rescue - a petition for the UK Government to get Nowzad animal rescue staff and animals back home to the UK, so they are no longer under threat from the Taliban - Grenfell - a petition for the UK Government to be legally required to implement the public inquiry recommendations from the Grenfell fire public inquiry - school access - a petition to ask Newport Local Education Authority to re-consider their decision for one boy to not be able to attend his local school, despite being in the catchment area and being the only child in his current school unable to go. They also gave five spaces that suddenly became available to late applicants, over Alfie, who was first on the waiting list - water pollution - a petition to stop the allowance of raw sewage to flow in the Lake District - wrong deportation - a petition to prevent the UK Home Office from deporting Damion T, a family man who was imprisoned in 2011 for two years for possession of a controlled drug, but has not committed any crimes since and is being deported due to being named a 'dangerous criminal' by the Home Office - save the bees - a petition to stop Birmingham City Council from spreading pesticide on verges, pavements and parks, as it kills the bees - University of Manchester - a petition to stop the University of Manchester from continuing with online learning and only giving students face-to-face teaching for interactive lessons - UCAS applications - a petition to get UCAS to change the form on their applications to be more inclusive of those who are part of the LGBT+ community and who don't identify as male/female - working donkeys - a petition to stop donkeys from being worked too much, especially in the heat, with very little water - cancer screenings - a petition for firefighters, who have regular contact with various harmful chemicals and substances, to receive regular cancer screenings as part of their medical exam - dog walkers - a petition to fine anyone who is seen out walking their dog when it is above twenty degrees celcius - ban racists - a petition to ban anyone who has been racist from future football matches - sensory awareness labels - a petition for there to be a label on all toys, which states whether a toy is appropriate for those with sensory issues - mural for Sancho - a petition for a mural of Jadon Sancho to be commissioned in Lambeth, to show their support for him being in the England men's Euro final squad, especially due to the racist abuse he has recently received - Ravenswood Village - a petition to keep Ravenswood Village open, a place for those with complex disabilities and autism - workplace defibrillators - a petition for it to be made law for defibrillators to be in the workplace - hospital visits - a petition to allow both parents to visit their sick child in hospital - LGBTQIA+ attacks - a petition for there to be more protection around LGBTQIA+ nightlife areas, after a number of attacks have occurred in these areas, due to homophobia - four day working week - a petition to introduce a four day working week, with no loss of pay, which would shrink the UK's carbon footprint by 127 million tonnes per year - IUD pain relief - a petition for there to be better pain relief available for the insertion and removal of an IUD - offensive language - a petition to stop SpeechBlubs from using an offensive advert, whereby non-verbal children were pictured as being unhappy and verbal children were pictured as being happy - cancer diagnosis - a petition for for doctors to prioritise all patients with a possible cancer diagnosis, especially younger patients who often go undiagnosed until it's too late - Grenfell - a petition to make it law that the UK Government has to implement Public Inquiry recommendations - NHS data - a petition to stop the UK Government from selling patient's data without them giving informed consent - home eviction - a petition for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to either not evict Alan O' Mahoney from his current home, or if they do evict him to keep him in his current area where his support network is, instead of many miles away - dying farm animals - a petition to save the farm animals that are still stuck in cargo ships on the Suez canal - Holby City - a petition to ask the BBC to change their decision about cancelling Holby City - free period products - a petition for everyone who has a period to be able to access free period products - whale experiments - a petition to ask the Norwegian Government to stop cruel experiments on whales - Covid-19 public inquiry - a petition for the Covid-19 public inquiry, originally planned for 2022, to be bought forward to start immediately - behaviour hubs vs. mental health support - a petition to ask for the £10 million that is being spent on behaviour hubs that are intended to teach teachers techniques to improve children's behaviour that they already know of, to instead be spent on providing all schools with councillors, as poor behaviour is often linked to poor mental health - stop SIM  - Serenity Integrated Mentoring is a 'model of care' that is being introduced into NHS England, that prevents those who often access emergency services due to their mental illness from accessing these services, as it is 'attention seeking' and an 'unnecessary financial burden' - university disabled facilities - a petition for all universities and colleges to ensure there are ramps and other disabled facilities in place for disabled students - Emeritus status removal - a petition for Professor Richard Dawkins to have his emeritus status removed from the University of Oxford after his comments regarding children with Down's Syndrome, saying women who are pregnant with a baby with Down's Syndrome should have an abortion - sensory labels - a petition for shops to put sensory labels on toys to helps parents and others identify which toys are suitable to their children depending on their needs - intensive rabbit farm planning - a petition to oppose the planning application for an intensive rabbit farm in Rutland - tree destruction - a petition to prevent the destruction of 67 oak trees and 3 beech trees to make way for an Amazon warehouse - childhood cancer - a petition to increase the funding of childhood cancers, which currently stands at 2% of Government cancer research funding in the UK - Prince Philip yacht - a petition asking the UK Government to spend the £200 million proposed for the yacht in memory of Prince Philip on better and more deserving causes - bee bus shelters - a petition to turn bus shelters into wildflower gardens to help save the bees and the environment - free Covid vaccines - a petition for everyone in India to receive a Covid-19 vaccine for free - The Sunday Times racism - a petition for The Sunday Times and Christina Lamb to issue a public retraction and apology for an article regarding Prince Philip that contained anti-asian racism - save the bees - a petition to stop the Parish Councils of Cotford and Bishops Lydeard from spraying the areas with herbicides and pesticides, which kill bees which are already an endangered species - Scottish wildcats - a petition to protect Clashindarroch Forest in order to save the Scottish wildcats, with only thirty-five of them left on the planet -discriminatory salon rules - a petition to change the new rules in salons for Covid-19, where, currently, salons can only provide treatments that are 'short and basic' which discriminates against black hairstyles, which take many hours to complete - accessible playgrounds - a petition for councils to make playgrounds more accessible for all children, regardless of their needs - chicken farming - a petition to stop the building of a chicken farm that intends to house 24,000 chickens - dog attacks - a petition for dog on dog attacks to be made a criminal offence and for more robust actions to be made on the owner(s) - manx mountain hares - a petition for manx mountain hares to be relisted as a protected species - hydrotherapy - a petition for there to be more regulations put in place for animals undergoing hydrotherapy - plastic toys - a petition for their to be a ban on plastic toys sold in magazines - consent - a petition for year seven students to be taught about consent - Suez Canal - a petition to save the dying farm animals that are still stuck on ships in the Suez Canal - seaspiricy - a petition for at least 30% of UK waters to be turned into 'no-catch' zones to protect wildlife, our oceans and the environment - seven minute warning - a petition for their to be funding so a seven minute warning can be put in place in Syrian schools to allow children and staff enough time to evacuate before a bomb goes off - Kilmarnock Animal Rescue - a petition to save Kilmarnock Animal Rescue centre from closure - free transport - a petition for there to be free transport for all NHS workers - upskirting - a petition to make upskirting a criminal offence in the UK - sexual harassment - a petition to make sexual harassment a crime in the UK - NHS pay rise - a petition to give all NHS staff a 15% pay rise - caged chickens - a petition for Hard Rock to stop profiting from caged chickens - media racism - a petition to hold UK media organisations to account for racism - pet owner background checks - a petition for all potential pet owners to have a background check carried out on them before they can own a pet - autistic child - a petition for a high school to take into account an autistic child's emotional and mental wellbeing by allowing him to go into a mainstream secondary school with his brother, where he can thrive, instead of be placed in a school with a unit - clear face masks - a petition to ask the UK government to provide teachers with clear face masks so deaf students are not at a disadvantage when it comes to their learning - Bolton Abbey Estate cats - a petition to remove traps that have been set up around the Bolton Abbey Estate to catch and kill ferral cats - plastic bags - a petition to stop UK supermarkets from giving out plastic bags in their stores - wheelchair access - a petition for there to be adequate wheelchair access at every train station across the UK - China and South East Asia murdering monkeys - a petition to stop those in China and South East Asia from murdering monkeys in cruel ways to sell in restaurants - vaccinate teachers - a petition for teachers to have received their first Covid-19 vaccine before schools return on 8th March - asthmatics and Covid-19 vaccine - a petition to ask the UK Government to put all asthmatics with group 6 instead of after group 9 with the rest of the population, due to the severity of their condition and Covid-19 - pets on Gumtree - a petition to prevent people from selling pets on Gumtree as there is no way of ensuring their welfare - blue badges - a petition to ask the Government to review and change the process for disabled people when filling out forms for Blue Badges and DLA/PIP - bee-killing pesticide - a petition to ask the UK government not to introduce the banned EU pesticide Neonicotinoid Thiamethoxam on crops that easily kills bees and will therefore kill our planet - police investigation - a petition to get the police to solve the case regarding the murder of Ricky Reel, where a number of police failures resulted in the police not finding the culprits responsible - pet euthanasia - a petition to allow one person in with a pet to provide comfort in their final hours when they are put to sleep by a vet, which they are currently not allowed to do due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. - cat baiting - a petition to ask for the law to be changed regarding dogs being encouraged by their owners to maul cats to death and the allowance of these dogs to remain with their owners after such an act has occurred - internet access - a petition to ask the UK Government to provide every child with internet access and devices so they can all learn from home

Parliament petitions - university fees - a petition to ask UK universities to reduce their tuition fees for the year 2020/21 from £9250 to £3000

Parliament Petitions - university fees - a petition to ask UK universities to reimburse university students some or all of their tuition fees for the 2020/21 year - UK vaccine - a petition to ask the UK Government to give a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine no more than twenty-one days after the initial dose was given - no detriment policy - a petition asking for all UK universities to put a no detriment policy in place to protect student's grades - MPs food expenses - a petition to get rid of MPs food expenses, especially as they decided not to provide food for children in poverty during the school holidays - ban fur on Etsy - a petition to prevent sellers on Etsy to sell products containing fur - pregnant women and coronavirus - a petition to ask the UK Government to bring in measures to protect pregnant women from coronavirus by ensuring they can work from home or being suspended from work on full pay - Brexit - a petition to ask the Government for an extension to give us a referendum on any deal they come up with between the UK and EU - harm to whales and dolphins - a petition to stop blowing up unexploded WWII bombs in British waters, which kill many whales and dolphins in the process - fireworks - a petition for the review of the law surrounding fireworks, due to how much they scare animals and young children - raise the minimum wage  - a petition to get the UK Government to raise the minimum wage to one that can be lived off - cancer treatment - a petition to stop unnecessary cancer deaths by not halting cancer treatment due to the Covid-19 pandemic - Instagram censorship - a petition to stop Instagram from censoring the images of oversized women (particularly black women), when they allow similar pictures of their slim, white counterparts - free school meals - a petition to get the UK Government to make a U-turn on their decision to not continue with free school meals during the school holidays - stop MP's payrise - a petition to prevent MPs from receiving a pay rise in April 2021 (would see their annual income rise to £85,000) - save the UK music industry - a petition to ask the Government to provide support to those in the music industry who have been hit by the Coronavirus pandemic - animal offenders register - a petition to create an animal offenders register, including ownership not being allowed to be transferred to someone in the same household - make child marriage illegal in the UK - it is currently legal for children aged 16-17 to get married in the UK with parental consent, however, due to a recent death of a twenty-year-old who got married at sixteen and died due to her abusive husband, her family are looking to make it illegal for children to get married until they turn eighteen - make pet theft a specific UK law - a petition to get the UK government to make the theft of pets a specific crime - mental health crisis - due to the pandemic, many people's mental health has decreased, yet there is not that much mental health support out there. This is a petition to get Matt Hancock to provide more mental health support - change the breast cancer screening age - a petition to change the breast cancer screening age from 50-71 years to 45-75 years - justice for Jacob Blake - Jacob Blake was shot several times by police when trying to break up a fight. He is still alive but has been left paralysed from the waist down. This is a petition to get the officers who shot him to be charged with a minimum of attempted murder - NHS payrise - a petition to get the Government to give NHS nurses and healthcare workers and reasonable pay rise - back to school - a petition to ask the Government to allow parents to decide when to send their child(ren) back to school and not receive fines for not doing so - change to GCSEs and A-Levels - a petition to get the Government to change the way in which this year's GCSE and A-Level results have been calculated, in order to give each student a fair result - MP suspension - a petition for the suspension of a male Conservative MP who raped a female parliamentary researcher - NHS NOT for sale - petition to prevent the UK Government from allowing the NHS to be in trade talks with the US

Color of Change - George Floyd- a petition to get the three other officers, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao, and J Alexander Keung, charged for participating in the murder of George Floyd - George Floyd - trying to get Hennepin Country District Attorney Mike Freeman to arrest and charge the police officers involved with George Floyd's death with second degree murder

NAACP - George Floyd - a petition demanding the immediate arrest of the three officers who were present when Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd's neck - Belly Mujinga  - aiming to find the person who assaulted Belly Mujinga at Victoria Station in London and to ensure that frontline workers within Transport for London are provided with necessary protective equipment - George Floyd - wanting to get the attention of Major Jacob Frey and DA Mike Freeman to get the officers involved to be fired and charges filed against them - teaching white privilege  - petition to make it mandatory for white privilege and systemic racism to be taught in UK education - Julius Jones - Julius was convicted of murder aged 19, a crime he didn't commit, and has been on death row for twenty years. This petition is to stop his imminent execution - suspend tear gas exports - a petition to suspend the UK exportation of tear gas, rubber bullets and riot shields to USA, which is a breach of human rights - Mayor Hal Marx of Petal must resign - said hateful words after the death of George Floyd, and this petition is to get him to resign from his post as mayor

Young Minds - mental health support - a petition encouraging the UK government to put more support in place for young people with mental illnesses to access - Julian Cole - at the age of 19, Julian Cole was left paralysed and severely brain damaged after six police officers broke his next, causing spinal cord injury. PCs Nicholas Oates, Sanjeev Kalyan, and Hannah Ross were dismissed but not convicted. Sgt Andrew Withey was given a final written warning but no dismissal - remove Rhodes statue - petition to get the University of Oxford to remove the statue of Rhodes - who was believer of British imperialism and white supremacy - remove Robert Clive statue - a petition to remove a statue of Robert Clive, the first Governor of Bengal whose policies led to the 1770 Bengal famine, causing the deaths of around 10 millions people - fix Windrush compensation scheme - only 5% of people have received compensation out of those submitting claims due to their life being affected by the Windrush scandal, so this petition is to put a deadline of six months for the Government to pay the rest of the claims - Afghan lives matter - petition to stop Pakistan and Iran from killing innocent lives, two countries which have carried out the most terrorist attacks and direct shootings over the last forty years - NHS parking - a petition to stop NHS workers from having to pay parking fees at their place of work - Over-75s TV license - a petition to stop the BBC/UK Government from charging the over-75s £157 a year for a TV license - something the BBC said they would keep free for this age group two decades ago

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