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Please click on any of the links below, which will either take you to a helplines page for your country, to a list of charities and donations pages, or to a petitions page. Please use any of the relevant helplines, either for yourself or someone else you know who is struggling. Please feel free to make a donation to any of the charities, large or small, where you can. Please sign any of the petitions in order to help make a difference in the lives of others and possibly yourself. If you do not live in any of these countries and would like to know of some helplines you can contact in your country, please head to the 'contact' page and let me know and I will add a helplines page for your country as soon as possible. Alternatively, if you run a helpline and don't see it on any of these pages, please feel free to get in touch and I will add your helpline to the relevant page.

Love Beth xx



Black Lives Matter




Poland Helplines


Saudi Arabia Helplines


UK Helplines


USA Helplines

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